Zombie Slayer

External website


I spearheaded a team of 5 students to create a VR game with a 250 acre explorable world in Unity using C#.  Our first-person fantasy action game allows the player to fight creatively against a horde of zombies.

By building a large and varied world along with a simple-yet-versatile combat system, we created a game in which the player can naturally get into many different combat situations.  A mountain pass and an open field call for different approaches, and depending on the situation, the player may use their sword for stabbing, slashing, throwing, or laying as a trap for zombies to blunder into.

Our timeline for this project was quite fast-paced, and our team members had a wealth of creative ideas for the game.  I coordinated these visions into a unified whole, while ensuring that all team members continued to feel creative agency.

I also implemented the entirety of the enemy AI, animation, and combat systems, and sculpted the landforms of the world.

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Skills gained

This experience gave me a semester's worth of experience directing a game development team.  Additionally, because this was my first time working in Unity Engine, I gained essential skills in Unity game development, including Unity's C# libraries, scene hierarchy, and management of game objects' components.  I also learned how to develop specifically for VR, including head and hand tracking.

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